Help Syrian refugees

Our beneficiaries have been struggling for their survival for 13 years. Your support is indispensable for them.

Photo de Hassan, réfugié syrien en Syrie, sur son fauteuil roulant.

Hassan lives in a refugee camp in Idlib, Syria, under a tent. His dream was to have a wheelchair so he could move around. Thanks to your donations, he can now move around and meet his loved ones.

Hassan | Refugee camp in Syria

Syria key figures...

6,8 Millions displaced
Cross the country

400 000 murder
in 10 years

15,3 millions Syrians
In need

Our actions in Syria…

Since 2013, Caravanes Solidaires has been committed alongside the Syrian population, severely affected by years of conflict. Our mission began with the delivery of ambulances and humanitarian containers to address essential needs.

Quickly, we were able to establish trusting relationships with local associations, medical facilities, and our local teams, who ensure the reception and distribution of the humanitarian aid we send them by sea.

Our interventions focus on refugee camps, schools, and in our healthcare centers located in Idlib and Aleppo, providing daily: 

Food aid
Medical care

The suffering of refugees is profound. Thousands of children live day by day in precarious conditions, barefoot in the mud, with no future in sight. They need your support. Every gesture, no matter how small, makes a huge difference.

Together, we have the power to make a difference in the lives of victims of war in Syria. Join this mission of solidarity and hope. Your action today can transform lives tomorrow.

Grâce à vous, notre aide continue…

400 000 Morts environs
in 10 years

400 000 Morts environs
in 10 years

400 000 Morts environs
in 10 years

Your donation has the power to save their lives.

Join our fight for humanity.
Offer a better life to refugees in Syria.

Our humanitarian commitment focuses on refugee camps located in the Idlib region, Syria. This region has been severely affected by the conflict, and we work tirelessly to provide vital assistance to displaced and vulnerable people.

We deliver aid to Syria by maritime transport. Our containers mainly depart from the port of Fos-sur-Mer in France, bound for the port of Mersin in Turkey. From there, they are transported by land to the Idlib region in Syria.

This process involves close coordination with various authorities to ensure safe and efficient passage, despite logistical and security challenges.

Absolutely! We manage the entire chain, from collection to distribution. Our teams on the ground are dedicated to distributing the aid delivered to beneficiaries in refugee camps, as well as in clinics.

Their expertise and commitment are essential to providing effective support tailored to the needs of vulnerable individuals in Syria.

Having an office in Syria allows us to act quickly on the ground, facilitating the acquisition of visas and permits through our registration as a local NGO.

It also allows us to establish an organized structure with dedicated employees and volunteers, and to manage our finances transparently and legitimately through local bank accounts.

These elements are crucial for providing effective, organized, and transparent humanitarian aid in emergency situations or for long-term development projects.

Unfortunately, for obvious security reasons, we cannot allow volunteers to travel to the field in Syria.

Our humanitarian workers who go to the field are experts in conflict zones. They are accustomed to the challenges and risks inherent in these hostile environments.

If you wish to support our work in Syria, there are other ways to contribute, such as making a donation or sharing our projects.

Together, we can make a difference in the lives of refugees and vulnerable people in Syria.

We do not offer a child sponsorship program at the moment !