Emergency: Gaza under bombs
Our teams are on the ground in Gaza, providing care and food: your support is vital.
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The humanitarian situation in Gaza is alarming: 2.2 million people are in a state of emergency. Since the beginning of the crisis, our teams on the ground have been providing vital assistance. Your support is indispensable !
The war in Syria has plunged 15.3 million people into need. For 11 years, we have been fighting to provide vital assistance in Syrian refugee camps, where despair is all too common. Your support is crucial for them !
La guerre civile a poussé le Yémen dans une crise humanitaire terrible depuis près de 10 ans. La population, oubliée de tous, souffre de la faim et du manque d’accès à l’eau potable. Ils ont besoin de votre aide !
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